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Fanfrou #023 ← Fanfrou Turbinha → #025 Turbinha

Arigami is a WindWind Wind-type Nexomon introduced in Nexomon 1.

It is not known to evolve into or from any other Nexomon.

Type Effectiveness[]

Effectiveness Type
Tick Resists (Damage x0.5) PlantPlant Plant MineralMineral Mineral
Cross Weak to (Damage x1.5) FireFire Fire ElectricElectric Electric


Region Maps
Royalle CityWarp
Royalle City
Royalle Woods, Royalle Apple Tree and Royalle Port.
Frozen TundraWarp
Frozen Tundra
Frozen Tundra Totem, Frozen Crystal Quarry, NexoGuard Camp, Frozen Fields and Frozen Route.
The NetherworldWarp
The Netherworld
Void Hill.



Skill List[]

Level Skill Type Power Accuracy STA Cost Effect
1 Howling Winds SkillIcon Howling Winds WindWind Wind 45 95% 8 -
3 Storm SkillIcon Storm ElectricElectric Electric 60 80% 11 -
6 Slash SkillIcon Slash NormalNormal Normal 70 80% 13 -
9 Northern Winds SkillIcon Northern Winds WindWind Wind 30 100% 8 FreezeFreeze Freeze 
10 Swift SkillIcon Swift NormalNormal Normal 0 100% 6 -
14 Barrier SkillIcon Barrier NormalNormal Normal 0 100% 10 -
19 Frost Bite SkillIcon Frost Bite WaterWater Water 35 100% 9 FreezeFreeze Freeze 
26 Ice Assault SkillIcon Ice Assault WaterWater Water 45 95% 11 FreezeFreeze Freeze 
29 Turbulent Toss SkillIcon Turbulent Toss WindWind Wind 45 95% 11 ConfusionConfusion Confusion 
37 Heavy Monsoon SkillIcon Heavy Monsoon WindWind Wind 95 90% 20 -




Name Origin[]

Arigami may be a combination of "Air" and "Origami", Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding.
