Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki

The Bind condition is a status effect that causes a Nexomon to take a set amount of damage each turn.


In general, a bound Nexomon takes 8% of its health in damage each turn.

Nexomon 1[]

When the Nexomon was under the effect of Bind, it couldn't use any skills. It didn't take any damage either.

Nexomon: Extinction[]

The restriction of using a skill was removed, but instead you could no longer switch out a Nexomon under the effect of Bind.

The Nexomon also takes 8% of its health in damage each turn.




A Nexomon can be bound when struck by any of the following skills:

ID Nr. Skill Type Power Accuracy STA Cost Effect
44 Submission SkillIcon Submission NormalNormal Normal 35 100% 9 BindBind Bind 
45 Choke SkillIcon Choke NormalNormal Normal 25 100% 7 BindBind Bind 
50 Fire Cage SkillIcon Fire Cage FireFire Fire 0 60% 9 BindBind Bind 
62 Vine Attack SkillIcon Vine Attack PlantPlant Plant 30 100% 8 BindBind Bind 
63 Thorn Cage SkillIcon Thorn Cage PlantPlant Plant 0 60% 9 BindBind Bind 
70 Sandstorm SkillIcon Sandstorm MineralMineral Mineral 30 100% 8 BindBind Bind 
71 Petrify SkillIcon Petrify MineralMineral Mineral 0 55% 8 BindBind Bind 

Index Nr. Skill Type Power Acc STA Speed Crit % Effect
7 Fire Cage EX SkillIcon Fire Cage Fire TypeFire Type 0 100% 10 59 0% Bind (Status)Bind (Status)
27 Flame Column EX SkillIcon Flame Column Fire TypeFire Type 55 85% 10 13 15% Bind (Status)Bind (Status)
29 Grasping Root EX SkillIcon Grasping Root Plant TypePlant Type 0 100% 10 60 0% Bind (Status)Bind (Status)
30 Piercing Root EX SkillIcon Piercing Root Plant TypePlant Type 35 85% 5 11 15% Bind (Status)Bind (Status)
56 Vine Whip EX SkillIcon Vine Whip Plant TypePlant Type 95 95% 15 22 5% Bind (Status)Bind (Status)
89 Fire Stigma EX SkillIcon Fire Stigma Fire TypeFire Type 70 95% 10 66 5% Bind (Status)Bind (Status)


The effect of Bind can be cured with the use of an Anti Bind.

In Nexomon: Extinction, the skills Dispell and Renovate can also cure this status ailment. There are no similar skills in Nexomon 1.


In Nexomon: Extinction, the skills Wind Song and Psychic Armor can protect against any status ailments, including this one. The skill Resistance can reduce the chance of being affected by 50%. The skill Invincible can protect against it during the turn in which it was used. Immunity Cores can also reduce the chance of being affected by it.

There are no similar skills or items in Nexomon 1, as all protective skills only grant resistance to damage.

In other languages[]

Language Name
China Flag Chinese 束缚
Germany Flag German GEFESSELT
France Flag French LIÉ
Spain Flag Spanish ENLAZADO
South Korea Flag Korean 묶였다