Nexomon Wiki

Binding Bolt is an Electric-type skill introduced in Nexomon 1.


Reduces the evasion of the opponent.


Games Description
Nexomon 1 Bind an opponent in electricity that reduces evasion.


# Nexomon Element Rarity Level
Icon Nexomon Icon NexomonExtinction III
027 Emotel Emotel ElectricElectric Electric Common 17 X ?
046 Amphant Amphant ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 22 X ?
047 Boltusk Boltusk ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 22 X ?
102 Kyte Kyte ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 41 X ?
103 Satray Satray ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 41 X ?
205 Clobolt Clobolt ElectricElectric Electric Rare 26 X ?
206 Clunder Clunder ElectricElectric Electric Rare 26 X ?
207 Nimburst Nimburst ElectricElectric Electric Rare 26 X ?
226 Magnego Magnego ElectricElectric Electric Rare 35 X ?
227 Magnymph Magnymph ElectricElectric Electric Rare 35 X ?
228 Magonfly Magonfly ElectricElectric Electric Rare 35 X ?
305 Krowr Krowr ElectricElectric Electric Legendary 10 X ?
295 Luxa Luxa ElectricElectric Electric Legendary 44 X ?


In other languages[]

Language Name
Germany Flag German ???
France Flag French ???
Spain Flag Spanish ???
South Korea Flag Korean ???