Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Cadium Center
Cadium Center
Connecting locations
Cadium Submarine Dock
Derek's Greenhouse
Cadium Center
Cadium East
Zetta's House
Cadium Center is part of Cadium.

This is the central area of the city.


Item Location
Potion Potion On a sack besides the console.


Item Description
Potion Restores 40 HP.
Super Potion Restores 80 HP.
Ultra Potion Restores 120 HP.
Ether Restores 60 stamina.
Super Ether Restores 100 stamina.
Ultra Ether Restores 150 stamina.
Anti Paralyze Cures the "PARALYZED" status effect on a Nexomon!
Anti Sleep Cures the "ASLEEP" status effect on a Nexomon!
Anti Freeze Cures the "FROZEN" status effect on a Nexomon!
Nexotrap A basic tool used to capture wild Nexomon.