Nexomon Wiki
Cosmic Nexomon

The announcement of Cosmic Nexomon for Nexomon: Extinction.

Cosmic Nexomon are rare color variants of existing Nexomon that was introduced as a mechanic in Nexomon: Extinction. They don't change anything for the specific Nexomon but are mostly cosmetic and something Cosmic Hunters like to hunt.

Cosmic Odds[]

The odds of encountering Cosmic Nexomon changes after various factors.

  • Base Odds: 1/4000

Odds Changing Through the Story[]

  • After Ignitia: The Base Odds are 1/3500
  • After Drake Isles: The Base Odds are 1/3000

Odds Changing through Other means[]

  • Cosmic Charm Cosmic Charm - Each Cosmic Charm you own decreases the Base Rate by 50. Max of 7.
  • Seeing Nexomon - Each Nexomon you've seen in the Database decreases the Base Rate by 1.
  • Catching Nexomon - Each unique Nexomon you've captured decreases the Base Rate by 2.
  • Defeating Nexomon - Each defeated Nexomon decreases that particular Nexomon's Base Rate of being Cosmic by 1. Max 469.
    You can check how many you've defeated in the database and are listed near the "Swords Symbol" that is next of its Description.
  • Luring Nexomon - After retrieving the function to do so in the Abyssals DLC it decreases the Base rate by 200.

Best Possible Odds[]

After you are done with the story in the Drake Isles, collected all Cosmic Charms, having captured everything in The Database, defeated the particular Nexomon 469 times, and is luring it will make the Base Odds: 1/700

Cosmic Nexomon Behaviour[]

  • If possible, Cosmic Nexomon should always avoid using Conflagration.
  • The AI in general will try to only use Conflagration if it is low in HP.