Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Cursed Tower - Ventra and Arqua
Cursed Tower - Ventra and Arqua
Connecting locations
Cursed Tower - T-Path
Cursed Tower - Ventra and Arqua
Cursed Tower - Entrance
Cursed Tower - Ventra and Arqua is part of Frozen Tundra (Extinction).

This room contains the broken status of Ventra and Arqua.


Item Location
Green Pear Green Pear In a broken vase.

Tamer Battles[]

As with wild Nexomon, the level of trainers scales up to adapt to yours. The following trainers' teams might be at a different evolutive stage:

Wild Nexomon[]

Depending on the level of the player, these can be found:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Zumble Zumble ElectricElectric Electric  Common
Zasp Zasp ElectricElectric Electric  Common
Cranillow Cranillow GhostGhost Ghost  Uncommon
Swactrum Swactrum GhostGhost Ghost  Uncommon
Poyal Poyal NormalNormal Normal  Common
Puggard Puggard NormalNormal Normal  Common
Ripha Ripha GhostGhost Ghost  Rare
Grimmon Grimmon GhostGhost Ghost  Rare
Masquiti Masquiti PsychicPsychic Psychic  Ultra Rare
Masqat Masqat PsychicPsychic Psychic  Ultra Rare