Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Cursed Tower - Wind Path
Cursed Tower - Wind Path
Connecting locations
Cursed Tower - Crossroads
Cursed Tower - Wind Path
Cursed Tower - Wind Room
Cursed Tower - Wind Path is part of Frozen Tundra (Extinction).

This corridor leads to the wind room.

Wild Nexomon[]

Depending on the level of the player, these can be found:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Ploriol Ploriol PlantPlant Plant  Rare
Bomriol Bomriol PlantPlant Plant  Rare
Poyal Poyal NormalNormal Normal  Common
Puggard Puggard NormalNormal Normal  Common
Stalkee Stalkee PlantPlant Plant  Uncommon
Mantoo Mantoo PlantPlant Plant  Uncommon
Jeloon Jeloon WaterWater Water  Common
Jeliflo Jeliflo WaterWater Water  Common
Masquiti Masquiti PsychicPsychic Psychic  Ultra Rare
Masqat Masqat PsychicPsychic Psychic  Ultra Rare