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Nexomon Wiki
Desert Tyrant Bones
Desert Tyrant Bones
Connecting locations
Desert Tyrant Bones
Lateria Western Entrance
Desert Tyrant Bones is part of Lateria.

This area contains the bones of several tyrants. During the events of the Abyssals DLC these bones disappear.


Item Location
Shard Rock Shard Rock ×4 Left of the northen-most Tyrant. At the western edge of the area.
Fortle Companion Fortle Companion In the golden chest close to the western edge of the area.


Wild Nexomon[]

These are found in the depending on the level of the player and their advancement of the main storyline:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Cloddy Cloddy NormalNormal Normal  Uncommon
Cubdy Cubdy NormalNormal Normal  Uncommon
Baloompa Baloompa WindWind Wind  Common
Blimpapa Blimpapa WindWind Wind  Common
Deember Deember FireFire Fire  Common
Deebuz Deebuz FireFire Fire  Common
Antlorm Antlorm FireFire Fire  Common
Shardrine Shardrine MineralMineral Mineral  Common
Shardrillion Shardrillion MineralMineral Mineral  Common
Pont Pont MineralMineral Mineral  Uncommon
Stalagca Stalagca MineralMineral Mineral  Uncommon
Blit Blit FireFire Fire  Uncommon
Glontern Glontern FireFire Fire  Uncommon
Lamparos Lamparos FireFire Fire  Uncommon
Magnipub Magnipub PsychicPsychic Psychic  Rare
Sunnos Sunnos PsychicPsychic Psychic  Rare
Mimi Mimi PsychicPsychic Psychic  Common
Mimorus Mimorus PsychicPsychic Psychic  Common
Pongo Pongo FireFire Fire  Rare
Imbuzi Imbuzi FireFire Fire  Rare
Imburion Imburion FireFire Fire  Rare
Cryzzard Cryzzard WaterWater Water  Ultra Rare
Blizzarm Blizzarm WaterWater Water  Ultra Rare
Blizzaur Blizzaur WaterWater Water  Ultra Rare
Briar Briar PlantPlant Plant  Ultra Rare
Chaparral Chaparral PlantPlant Plant  Ultra Rare
Mearn Mearn WindWind Wind  Ultra Rare
Felarnia Felarnia WindWind Wind  Ultra Rare
Yarnesty Yarnesty WindWind Wind  Ultra Rare