Nexomon Wiki
Drake Isles Laboratory - F2 West
Drake Isles Laboratory - F2 West
Connecting locations
Drake Isles Laboratory - F2 West
Drake Isles Laboratory - F1 West
Drake Isles Laboratory - F2 West is part of The Drake Isles.

This is the second floor of the western wing.


Item Location
Elixir Elixir On the computer left of the big tank.
Flan Flan In the trash can.
EXP Booster EXP Booster In the golden chest.

Wild Nexomon[]

These can be found depending on the level of the player:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Cloddy Cloddy NormalNormal Normal  Uncommon
Cubdy Cubdy NormalNormal Normal  Uncommon
Chibbit Chibbit ElectricElectric Electric  Common
Xotor Xotor ElectricElectric Electric  Common
Bulbrit Bulbrit ElectricElectric Electric  Common
Volt Volt ElectricElectric Electric  Ultra Rare
Volnamic Volnamic ElectricElectric Electric  Ultra Rare
Wadgon Wadgon PsychicPsychic Psychic  Ultra Rare
Wadtail Wadtail PsychicPsychic Psychic  Ultra Rare
Horget Horget PsychicPsychic Psychic  Ultra Rare
Behilda Behilda GhostGhost Ghost  Ultra Rare
Heddeca Heddeca GhostGhost Ghost  Ultra Rare