Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Flooded Jungle
Flooded Jungle
Connecting locations
Jungle Grove
Flooded Jungle
Khan's JungleWarp
Flooded Jungle is part of Khan's Jungle.

Dubbed "Flooded Jungle" due to it being flooded as the warning sign suggests.

Wild Nexomon[]

Top-side Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Florantis Florantis PlantPlant Plant Common 22-26
Tryflap Tryflap PlantPlant Plant Common 23-27
Cordyant Cordyant PlantPlant Plant Uncommon 23-27
Eele Eele ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 24-26
Hissa Hissa NormalNormal Normal Rare 25-27
Seaguard Seaguard WaterWater Water Rare 26-31
Fluzard Fluzard WaterWater Water Mega Rare 28-30
Bevy Bevy WaterWater Water Special 28-30

Bottom-side Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Bowish Bowish WaterWater Water Common 22-26
Eele Eele ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 23-27
Tycroc Tycroc WaterWater Water Rare 24-26
Fluzard Fluzard WaterWater Water Mega Rare 28-30
Bevy Bevy WaterWater Water Special 28-30