Finite methods
Repeatable methods
Nexomon: Extinction
Locations: Precursor Valley Basecamp East, Precursor Valley Dark Maze, Precursor Valley Giant Pot, Precursor Valley Dark Cave Outside, Precursor Valley Dark Cave - North, Precursor Valley Dark Cave - West, Caelesa's Doors, Precursor Valley Engraved Stones West, Precursor Valley Hot Cave - Braccus' Path, Precursor Valley Pattern Maze, Kroma's Camp, Precursor Valley Forest Entrance, Pluvean Cave Northeast and Pluvean Cave Southeast
It is the only type of lure that can be used with legendary Nexomon such as Tyrants, Greater Drakes, the CHAOS Siblings (Agita, Anima, Fulmina, Gurgita), Ziegler and his followers (Ogoon (Extinction), Hexia (Extinction), etc.). It's only available during the Abyssals DLC.