Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Frozen Cave - Downstairs
Frozen Cave - Downstairs
Connecting locations
Frozen Cave - Ladder
Frozen Cave - Downstairs
Frozen Cave - Tyrant Room
Frozen Cave - Downstairs is part of Frozen Lake.

This is the area we land on after descending the ladder set up by Coco.


Item Location
Shard Rock Shard Rock ×3 On both sides of the first set of stairs. On the northwestern corner.
Healing Stone Healing Stone Left of the first set of stairs.
Nexotrap Nexotrap In a hole close to the eastern wall.
Strawberry Cake Strawberry Cake In a hole close at the northwestern corner.

Wild Nexomon[]

These can be found in the northwestern grass:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Sounse Sounse WindWind Wind  Common
Hinazuru Hinazuru WindWind Wind  Uncommon
Coral Coral WaterWater Water  Rare
Noki Noki WaterWater Water  Ultra Rare

Depending on the level of the player, these can be found in the southwestern grass:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Faucefant Faucefant WaterWater Water  Common
Sounse Sounse WindWind Wind  Common
Blublub Blublub WaterWater Water  Uncommon
Goateeze Goateeze NormalNormal Normal  Rare
Goatlanche Goatlanche NormalNormal Normal  Rare

These can be found in the southeastern grass:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Faucefant Faucefant WaterWater Water  Common
Sounse Sounse WindWind Wind  Common
Scooptor Scooptor ElectricElectric Electric  Uncommon
Coral Coral WaterWater Water  Rare
Noki Noki WaterWater Water  Ultra Rare