Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Frozen Tundra Bunker - Room 2
Frozen Tundra Bunker - Room 2
Connecting locations
Frozen Tundra Bunker - Room 3
Frozen Tundra Bunker - Room 2
Frozen Tundra Bunker - Room 1
Frozen Tundra Bunker - Room 2 is part of Frozen Tundra (Extinction).

This is the second area of the bunker.


Item Location
Nexotrap Nexotrap On a the boxes to the left.
Fire Nexotrap Fire Nexotrap On a the boxes to the right.

Wild Nexomon[]

Depending on the level of the player, these can be found:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Bloopish Bloopish WaterWater Water  Common
Glimoory Glimoory WaterWater Water  Common
Scaratic Scaratic ElectricElectric Electric  Common
Enercer Enercer ElectricElectric Electric  Common
Sectoc Sectoc PsychicPsychic Psychic  Uncommon
Minet Minet PsychicPsychic Psychic  Uncommon
Calfter Calfter NormalNormal Normal  Rare
Calplex Calplex NormalNormal Normal  Rare
Bullogan Bullogan NormalNormal Normal  Rare
Cruff Cruff WaterWater Water  Rare
Croncho Croncho WaterWater Water  Rare
Yummo Yummo PsychicPsychic Psychic  Uncommon
Yomnom Yomnom PsychicPsychic Psychic  Uncommon