Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Frozen Tundra Southern Cave - East
Frozen Tundra Southern Cave - East
Connecting locations
Frozen Tundra Southern Cave - Entrance
Frozen Tundra Southern Cave - East
Frozen Tundra Southern Cave - Southeast
Frozen Tundra Southern Cave - East is part of Frozen Tundra (Extinction).

This cave contains the sixth Secret Vault but it's only possible to cross this area using the ability to freeze water received from Merida.


Item Location
Shard Rock Shard Rock ×3 Scattered around the area.
Elixir Elixir On a pile of sacks right of the southern entrance.

Wild Nexomon[]

Depending on the level of the player, these can be found:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Faucefant Faucefant WaterWater Water  Common
Draniphant Draniphant WaterWater Water  Common
Varawirl Varawirl WaterWater Water  Common
Singlette Singlette PlantPlant Plant  Uncommon
Mermella Mermella WaterWater Water  Rare
Gekoko Gekoko ElectricElectric Electric  Ultra Rare
Kamelevo Kamelevo ElectricElectric Electric  Ultra Rare