Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Frozen Water Hole
Frozen Water Hole
Connecting locations
Frozen Water Hole
NexoGuard Camp
Frozen Tundra Totem
Frozen TundraWarp
Frozen Water Hole is part of Frozen Tundra.

Dubbed "Frozen Water Hole" due to being a place of a frozen over water hole.


Item Location
Coins Coins ×300 Inside of the hole on the ice.

Wild Nexomon[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Perleo Perleo WaterWater Water Common 44-46
Flexel Flexel NormalNormal Normal Common 45-46
Furpy Furpy WaterWater Water Uncommon 44-47
Hexopus Hexopus WaterWater Water Uncommon 46-47
Bogarp Bogarp WaterWater Water Rare 45-48
Seaphon Seaphon WaterWater Water Rare 46-48
Torrex Torrex WaterWater Water Mega Rare 45-48
Kitsunox Kitsunox NormalNormal Normal Special 46-48

Tamer Battles[]
