Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Database
Platyfoo #001 ← Platyfoo Hobyn → #003 Hobyn

'Gnob is a MineralMineral Mineral-type Nexomon introduced in Nexomon 1.

It is not known to evolve into or from any other Nexomon.

Type Effectiveness[]

Effectiveness Type
Tick Resists (Damage x0.5) FireFire Fire ElectricElectric Electric
Cross Weak to (Damage x1.5) WaterWater Water WindWind Wind


Region Maps
Mountain VillageWarp
Mountain Village
Mountain Passage
Phantom CitadelWarp
Phantom Citadel
Endless Maze
Hilda's DomainWarp
Hilda's Domain
Hilda's Domain
Royalle CityWarp
Royalle City
Royalle City Sewers
The NetherworldWarp
The Netherworld
Void Hill



Skill List[]

Level Skill Type Power Accuracy STA Cost Effect
1 Tackle SkillIcon Tackle NormalNormal Normal 40 100% 7 -
4 Punch SkillIcon Punch NormalNormal Normal 45 95% 8 -
4 Slam SkillIcon Slam NormalNormal Normal 65 80% 12 -
7 Choke SkillIcon Choke NormalNormal Normal 25 100% 7 BindBind Bind 
10 Rock Punch SkillIcon Rock Punch MineralMineral Mineral 45 95% 11 ConfusionConfusion Confusion 
13 Granite Rain SkillIcon Granite Rain MineralMineral Mineral 55 85% 10 -
20 Ground Slam SkillIcon Ground Slam MineralMineral Mineral 65 80% 12 -
22 Seismic Move SkillIcon Seismic Move MineralMineral Mineral 75 80% 14 -
29 Drill SkillIcon Drill NormalNormal Normal 45 95% 10 -
37 Crushing Boulder SkillIcon Crushing Boulder MineralMineral Mineral 60 80% 13 -



  • Gnob had a different appearence in the Beta, it was later changed to what it is now.


Gnob may be based on a goblin.

Name Origin[]

Gnob is a combination of gnaw or gnome and goblin.
