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Pandicub #008 ← Pandicub Flybuster → #010 Flybuster

Gorgonita is a MineralMineral Mineral-type Nexomon introduced in Nexomon 1.

It is not known to evolve into or from any other Nexomon.

Type Effectiveness[]

Effectiveness Type
Tick Resists (Damage x0.5) FireFire Fire ElectricElectric Electric
Cross Weak to (Damage x1.5) WaterWater Water WindWind Wind


Region Maps
Phantom CitadelWarp
Phantom Citadel
Endless Maze
Hilda's DomainWarp
Hilda's Domain
Hilda's Domain
Solus DesertWarp
Solus Desert
Grunda's Dig Site
The NetherworldWarp
The Netherworld
Void Fields



Skill List[]

Level Skill Type Power Accuracy STA Cost Effect
1 Rock Smash SkillIcon Rock Smash MineralMineral Mineral 45 95% 8 -
4 Slash SkillIcon Slash NormalNormal Normal 70 80% 13 -
4 Sleep SkillIcon Sleep NormalNormal Normal 0 40% 5 SleepSleep Sleep 
9 Rock Barrage SkillIcon Rock Barrage MineralMineral Mineral 55 100% 13 ConfusionConfusion Confusion 
11 Glare SkillIcon Glare NormalNormal Normal 0 40% 5 ParalyzeParalyze Paralyze 
17 Corrupted Mineral SkillIcon Corrupted Mineral MineralMineral Mineral 0 80% 5 -
19 Curl SkillIcon Curl NormalNormal Normal 0 100% 5 -
26 Avalanche SkillIcon Avalanche MineralMineral Mineral 80 80% 15 -
30 Barrier SkillIcon Barrier NormalNormal Normal 0 100% 10 -
36 Petrify SkillIcon Petrify MineralMineral Mineral 0 55% 8 BindBind Bind 




Gorgonita is based on the Gorgon from Greek mythology.

Name Origin[]

Gorgonita is probably a combination of "gorgon" and "ita" which is a common addition to names to make them sound more feminine, probably to match its design.
