Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Grunda's Cave Outside
Grunda's Cave Outside
Connecting locations
Lateria Western Entrance
Grunda's Cave Outside
Grunda's Cave Outside is part of Lateria.

From this area you can access the cave containing Grunda's remains.


  • Trade 300 coins and 4 Nexotraps for 1 Normal Whistle.

Tamer Battles[]

As with wild Nexomon, the level of trainers scales up to adapt to yours. The following trainers' teams might be at a different evolutive stage:

Wild Nexomon[]

Depending on the player's level, these can be found in the grass:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Stinger Stinger FireFire Fire  Common
Moonsting Moonsting FireFire Fire  Common
Sunknight Sunknight FireFire Fire  Common
Poyal Poyal NormalNormal Normal  Common
Puggard Puggard NormalNormal Normal  Common
Brauncer Brauncer NormalNormal Normal  Common
Durtacles Durtacles MineralMineral Mineral  Uncommon
Roclas Roclas MineralMineral Mineral  Uncommon
Chowser Chowser FireFire Fire  Uncommon
Cuisizle Cuisizle FireFire Fire  Uncommon
Worb Worb MineralMineral Mineral  Rare
Parchidna Parchidna MineralMineral Mineral  Rare
Holoch Holoch MineralMineral Mineral  Rare
Tantrunt Tantrunt FireFire Fire  Ultra Rare
Grath Grath FireFire Fire  Ultra Rare

These can be found after talking to Eliza to release them again in the post-game:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Grunda2 Grunda (Extinction) MineralMineral Mineral  Legendary