Nexomon Wiki
Haunted Woods Cave - North
Haunted Woods Cave - North
Connecting locations
Haunted Woods Cave - West
Haunted Woods Cave - North
Haunted Woods Cave - Northeast
Haunted Woods Cave - Entrance
Haunted Woods Cave - North is part of Immortal Citadel.

This cave contains the second Secret Vault.


Item Location
Shard Rock Shard Rock ×3 Close to the southwestern entrance. At the center, close to the miner. Close to the eastern entrance.
Healing Stone Healing Stone Close to the miner.
Revive Revive In a hole close to the miner.

Wild Nexomon[]

These can be found:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Pont Pont MineralMineral Mineral  Uncommon
Prankrow Prankrow GhostGhost Ghost  Common
Gomarm Gomarm PsychicPsychic Psychic  Common
Magnipub Magnipub PsychicPsychic Psychic  Rare
Gekoko Gekoko ElectricElectric Electric  Ultra Rare