Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Hidden Dead End
Hidden Dead End
Connecting locations
Hidden Guard Area
Hidden Dead End
Hidden VillageWarp
Hidden Dead End is part of Hidden Village.

Dubbed "Hidden Dead End" due to being a dead end near the Hidden Village.


Item Location
Potion Potion On a flowerbush to the far right.

Wild Nexomon[]

Left-side Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Algamaid Algamaid WaterWater Water Common 24-28
Blurk Blurk WaterWater Water Uncommon 26-28
Floatle Floatle WaterWater Water Rare 28-32
Spink Spink PlantPlant Plant Mega Rare 27-29
Petril Petril PlantPlant Plant Special 28-32

Center Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Algamaid Algamaid WaterWater Water Common 24-28
Spina Spina PlantPlant Plant Common 25-29
Blurk Blurk WaterWater Water Uncommon 26-28
Treemi Treemi NormalNormal Normal Uncommon 26-28
Floatle Floatle WaterWater Water Rare 27-29
Leafegg Leafegg PlantPlant Plant Rare 28-32
Spink Spink PlantPlant Plant Mega Rare 27-29
Petril Petril PlantPlant Plant Special 28-32

Right-side Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Algamaid Algamaid WaterWater Water Common 24-28
Breeshy Breeshy WindWind Wind Uncommon 25-29
Treemi Treemi NormalNormal Normal Uncommon 26-28
Mandrass Mandrass PlantPlant Plant Rare 26-28
Leafegg Leafegg PlantPlant Plant Rare 27-29
Spink Spink PlantPlant Plant Mega Rare 27-29
Petril Petril PlantPlant Plant Special 28-32