Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Hidden Village Southern Entrance
Hidden Village Southern Entrance
Connecting locations
Hidden Village Center
Khan Woods Cave Outside
Hidden Village Southern Entrance
Khan Woods Giant Mushrooms
Khan Woods Tunnel - Exit
Hidden Village Southern Entrance is part of Hidden Village (Extinction).

This is the southern entrance of the Hidden Village.


Item Location
Shard Rock Shard Rock ×2 Close to the southern and northern entrances.

Wild Nexomon[]

Depending on the player's level, these can be found in the southern grass:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Shromporo Shromporo PlantPlant Plant  Common
Shrombrela Shrombrela PlantPlant Plant  Common
Shromboff Shromboff PlantPlant Plant  Common
Seedko Seedko PlantPlant Plant  Common
Seedkorsky Seedkorsky PlantPlant Plant  Common
Potpot Potpot PlantPlant Plant  Rare
Neglente Neglente PlantPlant Plant  Rare
Outgrov Outgrov PlantPlant Plant  Rare
Singletti Singletti PlantPlant Plant  Uncommon
Couplet Couplet PlantPlant Plant  Uncommon
Skunqute Skunqute NormalNormal Normal  Uncommon
Skunqeau Skunqeau NormalNormal Normal  Uncommon
Skounquet Skounquet NormalNormal Normal  Uncommon
Behilda Behilda GhostGhost Ghost  Ultra Rare
Heddeca Heddeca GhostGhost Ghost  Ultra Rare
Noocidal Noocidal GhostGhost Ghost  Ultra Rare

Depending on the player's level, these can be found in the northeastern grass:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Seedko Seedko PlantPlant Plant  Common
Seedkorsky Seedkorsky PlantPlant Plant  Common
Potpot Potpot PlantPlant Plant  Rare
Neglente Neglente PlantPlant Plant  Rare
Outgrov Outgrov PlantPlant Plant  Rare
Singletti Singletti PlantPlant Plant  Uncommon
Couplet Couplet PlantPlant Plant  Uncommon
Behilda Behilda GhostGhost Ghost  Ultra Rare
Heddeca Heddeca GhostGhost Ghost  Ultra Rare
Noocidal Noocidal GhostGhost Ghost  Ultra Rare