Nexomon Wiki
Ignitia Northern Cave - Center
Ignitia Northern Cave - Center
Connecting locations
Ignitia Northern Cave - North
Ignitia Northern Cave - Center
Ignitia Northern Cave - Entrance
Ignitia Northern Cave - Center is part of New Ignitia.

This cave contains the third Secret Vault.


Item Location
Shard Rock Shard Rock ×12 Scattered around the area.
Discount Voucher Discount Voucher In the golden chest, accessible from the northern entrances of the area.

Wild Nexomon[]

Depending on the player's level, these can be found:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Pebglem Pebglem MineralMineral Mineral  Common
Deember Deember FireFire Fire  Common
Deebuz Deebuz FireFire Fire  Common
Candly Candly NormalNormal Normal  Uncommon
Vodo Vodo GhostGhost Ghost  Uncommon
Malevodo Malevodo GhostGhost Ghost  Uncommon
Moonica Moonica MineralMineral Mineral  Rare
Moonette Moonette MineralMineral Mineral  Rare
Tantrunt Tantrunt FireFire Fire  Ultra Rare

These can be found in the post-game:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Darine2 Darine (Extinction) PsychicPsychic Psychic  Legendary