Nexomon Wiki
Ignitia Southern Cave - East
Ignitia Southern Cave - East
Connecting locations
Ignitia Southern Cave - Entrance
Ignitia Southern Cave - East
Ignitia Southern Cave - East is part of New Ignitia.

This cave contains the fourth Secret Vault, with the entrance found in this specific area.


Item Location
Shard Rock Shard Rock ×4 Scattered around the area.
Healing Stone Healing Stone Close to the Secret Vault entrance.

Wild Nexomon[]

Depending on the player's level, these can be found:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Shardrine Shardrine MineralMineral Mineral  Common
Shardrillion Shardrillion MineralMineral Mineral  Common
Pont Pont MineralMineral Mineral  Uncommon
Sectoc Sectoc PsychicPsychic Psychic  Uncommon
Minet Minet PsychicPsychic Psychic  Uncommon
Poyal Poyal NormalNormal Normal  Common
Puggard Puggard NormalNormal Normal  Common
Tantrunt Tantrunt FireFire Fire  Ultra Rare

These can be found after talking to Eliza to release them again in the post-game:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Dracon Dracon FireFire Fire  Legendary