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Nexomon Wiki
Immortal Citadel Camp
Immortal Citadel Camp
Connecting locations
Immortal Citadel
Immortal Citadel Camp
Immortal Citadel Eastern Entrance
Immortal Citadel Camp is part of Immortal Citadel.

This camp on the eastern side of the citadel is where the shop and healer are located.


Item Location
Canele Canele On a rock close to the western entrance.
Flan Flan On the boxes at the camp.
Greed Core (I) Greed Core (I) On the boxes at the camp.
Peach Peach Inside the northern house, in a sack of apples.
Elixir Elixir Inside the eastern house, in a pot.
Ghost Nexotrap Ghost Nexotrap ×2 From Cooper after we deal with the Nexomon from the Citadel Under Attack quest.



The items available and their prices will vary depending on your guild rank and discount vouchers. These are for a Guildmaster:

Item Description
Potion Restores 40 HP.
Ether Restores 60 stamina.
Revive Restores a fainted Nexomon along with 50 HP.
Elixir Restores both 50 HP and 50 stamina.
Anti Poison Cures the "POISONED" status effect on a Nexomon!
Anti Burn Cures the "BURNING" status effect on a Nexomon!
Anti Freeze Cures the "FROZEN" status effect on a Nexomon!
Nexotrap A basic tool used to capture wild Nexomon.
Banana A standard banana. Hard to preserve for long periods.
Apple A sweet apple, ideal for long trips. It is easily found in the outskirts of any town.
Grape Usually used as an ingredient for desserts but it can also be eaten by itself. Very healthy!
Peach A seasonal fruit. Grab them while you can!
Green Pear It is said this fruit is not only delicious and easy to find but it is also used to make refreshing and healthy beverages.
Fries Fast food. Good for a quick snack, very popular among young tamers.

Wild Nexomon[]

These can be found in the western grass:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Virox Virox PsychicPsychic Psychic  Rare
Sectoc Sectoc PsychicPsychic Psychic  Uncommon
Auga Auga PlantPlant Plant  Common
Behilda Behilda GhostGhost Ghost  Ultra Rare

These can be found in the northern grass:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Spikus Spikus PlantPlant Plant  Uncommon
Folicurse Folicurse GhostGhost Ghost  Common
Ripha Ripha GhostGhost Ghost  Rare
Auga Auga PlantPlant Plant  Common

These can be found in the southern grass:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Ploriol Ploriol PlantPlant Plant  Rare
Folicurse Folicurse GhostGhost Ghost  Common
Skunqute Skunqute NormalNormal Normal  Uncommon
Auga Auga PlantPlant Plant  Common
Behilda Behilda GhostGhost Ghost  Ultra Rare

These can be found in the eastern grass:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Virox Virox PsychicPsychic Psychic  Rare
Folicurse Folicurse GhostGhost Ghost  Common
Foxdra Foxdra GhostGhost Ghost  Uncommon
Auga Auga PlantPlant Plant  Common

These appear in the post-game or after being resurrected by Eliza:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Darine2 Darine (Extinction) PsychicPsychic Psychic  Legendary