Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Inominox Camp South
Inominox Camp South
Connecting locations
Inominox Camp
Inominox Camp South
Precursor Valley Dark Cave Outside
Inominox Camp South is part of Precursor Valley.

This area heads to the camp previous to Inominox's location.


Item Location
Abyssal Berry Abyssal Berry On the plant to the right, accessible using the ability to control wind.

Wild Nexomon[]

These can be found in the grass:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Arctivore2 Arctivore (Extinction) MineralMineral Mineral  Ultra Rare
Felicient2 Felicient (Extinction) NormalNormal Normal  Ultra Rare
Bedam2 Bedam (Extinction) WaterWater Water  Ultra Rare
Gemeen2 Gemeen (Extinction) MineralMineral Mineral  Ultra Rare
Maraudin Maraudin WindWind Wind  Ultra Rare

These can be found after resurrecting them using the CHAOS discs:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Agita Agita MineralMineral Mineral  Legendary
Anima Anima WindWind Wind  Legendary
Fulmina Fulmina FireFire Fire  Legendary
Gurgita Gurgita WaterWater Water  Legendary

These can be found if we talk to Eliza to release copies after completing the Abyssals DLC:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Hexia2 Hexia (Extinction) WindWind Wind  Legendary
Ogoon2 Ogoon (Extinction) FireFire Fire  Legendary
Inominox Inominox ElectricElectric Electric  Legendary