Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Jungle Totem
Jungle Totem
Connecting locations
Ignitia-Khan Jungle Border
Jungle Totem
Jungle Rivers
Khan's JungleWarp
Jungle Totem is part of Khan's Jungle.

Dubbed "Jungle Totem" due to being the totem map for Khan's Jungle.

Wild Nexomon[]

Left Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Bowish Bowish WaterWater Water Common 22-26
Florantis Florantis PlantPlant Plant Common 23-27
Eele Eele ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 24-26
Tycroc Tycroc WaterWater Water Rare 25-27
Fluzard Fluzard WaterWater Water Mega Rare 28-30
Bevy Bevy WaterWater Water Special 28-30

Top Right Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Florantis Florantis PlantPlant Plant Common 22-26
Cordyant Cordyant PlantPlant Plant Uncommon 23-27
Seedread Seedread PlantPlant Plant Uncommon 24-26
Hissa Hissa NormalNormal Normal Rare 25-27
Tycroc Tycroc WaterWater Water Rare 26-31
Fluzard Fluzard WaterWater Water Mega Rare 28-30
Bevy Bevy WaterWater Water Special 28-30

Bottom Right Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Florantis Florantis PlantPlant Plant Common 22-26
Tryflap Tryflap PlantPlant Plant Common 23-27
Seedread Seedread PlantPlant Plant Uncommon 24-26
Hissa Hissa NormalNormal Normal Rare 25-27
Fluzard Fluzard WaterWater Water Mega Rare 28-30
Bevy Bevy WaterWater Water Special 28-30