Nexomon Wiki
Nexolord Tower Totem
Nexolord Tower Totem
Connecting locations
Nexolord Tower
Nexolord Tower Road
Nexolord Tower Totem
Nexolord TowerWarp
Nexolord Tower Totem is part of Nexolord Tower.

Dubbed "Nexolord Tower Totem" due to having the totem to the Nexolord Tower here.


Item Location
Anti Freeze Anti Freeze On a broken down lightpost to the right of the totem.
Nexotrap Nexotrap On a barrel to the right.
Anti Confuse Anti Confuse On a box of TNT to the right.

Wild Nexomon[]

Bottom Left of the Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Bulken Bulken FireFire Fire Common 50-53
Grush Grush NormalNormal Normal Uncommon 51-53
Francelstud Francelstud ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 51-54
Ostridge Ostridge MineralMineral Mineral Rare 52-55
Raamu Raamu NormalNormal Normal Mega Rare 52-55
Corozard Corozard PlantPlant Plant Special 53-55

Top Right of the Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Replicanti Replicanti ElectricElectric Electric Common 50-53
Walnormous Walnormous WaterWater Water Uncommon 51-53
Froppe Froppe NormalNormal Normal Rare 51-54
Lagorove Lagorove PlantPlant Plant Rare 52-55
Raamu Raamu NormalNormal Normal Mega Rare 52-55
Corozard Corozard PlantPlant Plant Special 53-55