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Nexomon Wiki

The player character for Nexomon, they are nicknamed Nexomon Hero as they have no canon name.


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For the full story, see Nexomon (Game).

The player character for Nexomon, they travel the world defeating overseers and champions, making friends and allies, and finally go on to defeat Omnicron at the top of the Nexolord Tower.

In the post-game, they become the new Nexolord and are sent into the Netherworld to destroy Omnicron's soul to stop it from ever reappearing again.

Nexomon: Extinction[]

The hero takes on a role similar to Ulzar, aiding the Nexomon: Extinction player on their journey. They teach the player how to capture Nexomon, and are typically found in a cave north of the Orphanage called Hero's Tomb. Their real name is lost to time.

Before the plot of Nexomon: Extinction, the Hero fought off the Abyssal Tyrants alongside their prior allies.

Though they appear throughout the game, it is shown through the climax of the story that they appear to regret destroying Omnicron's soul due to the problems that followed.


The Male Hero in Nexomon has blue hair, with a middle piece of his bangs have a pale blue, almost white, tip. He has amber eyes and pale skin. He wears a red, black, and white cap with a pair of goggles on the rim, a red and yellow short-sleeved shirt with a hood, black jeans, and black and white sneakers. He carries around a backpack on his back, has a set of black fingerless gloves, and a black belt.

The Female Hero in Nexomon has blue hair, with an orange strand that hangs away from her face. She has amber eyes and pale skin. She wears a mostly white cap with a red and orange pattern and a yellow rim, a long yellow scarf around her neck that has two beads tying each end, a black undershirt with a white throw over vest, and a red skirt that falls just above her knees. She has a set of redish-orange fingerless gloves, a pair of red knee-high socks, and a pair of white flats.

The Male Hero in Nexomon: Extinction has blue hair with white tips, tanned skin, and amber eyes. He has a little facial hair on his chin in messy patches and a scar on the left side of his face. He has an overcoat around his shoulders similar to that of the Nexolord's, and his goggles are now hanging around his neck. He wears a red and yellow zip-up turtle neck jacket, a pair of black fingerless gloves, and black jeans. In-game, he appears slightly transparent, as he is a ghost.

The Female Hero in Nexomon: Extinction has blue hair with white tips and one orange piece hanging away from her face. She has a scar on the left side of her face, tanned skin, and amber eyes. She still wears the scarf from Nexomon, but now also wears a long, white button up coat without any sleeves, a brown belt, and a slightly more complicated red skirt with black bits hanging from her belt. In-game, she appears slightly transparent, as she is a ghost.


  • Due to the fact the developers can't possibly know the name the player chose in Nexomon, the Hero is simply labeled as "???" in Nexomon: Extinction and their name is never spoken. This also applies to the gender of the Hero, as the Hero will simply mirror the gender chosen by the player.
    • Unlike the player character of Nexomon: Extinction, who is referred to as Solus and/or Omnisun, the Hero has no canonical name.

