Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Database
Nightite #124 ← Nightite Blurk → #126 Blurk

Nocgoyle is a WindWind Wind-type Nexomon introduced in Nexomon 1.

It evolves from Nightite starting at level 30.

Type Effectiveness[]

Effectiveness Type
Tick Resists (Damage x0.5) PlantPlant Plant MineralMineral Mineral
Cross Weak to (Damage x1.5) FireFire Fire ElectricElectric Electric


Region Maps
Phantom CitadelWarp
Phantom Citadel
Endless Maze
Hilda's DomainWarp
Hilda's Domain
Hilda's Domain
Nexolord TowerWarp
Nexolord Tower
Nexolord Tower.


Nightite Nocgoyle
Level 30

Skill List[]

Level Skill Type Power Accuracy STA Cost Effect
1 Scratch SkillIcon Scratch NormalNormal Normal 30 100% 5 -
4 Howling Winds SkillIcon Howling Winds WindWind Wind 45 95% 8 -
4 Swift SkillIcon Swift NormalNormal Normal 0 100% 6 -
9 Slashing Breath SkillIcon Slashing Breath WindWind Wind 50 90% 9 -
10 Slash SkillIcon Slash NormalNormal Normal 70 80% 13 -
13 Snake Eyes SkillIcon Snake Eyes NormalNormal Normal 0 80% 5 -
21 Northern Winds SkillIcon Northern Winds WindWind Wind 30 100% 8 FreezeFreeze Freeze 
26 Wind Wall SkillIcon Wind Wall WindWind Wind 0 100% 10 -
31 Pummel SkillIcon Pummel NormalNormal Normal 75 80% 14 -
35 Healing Current SkillIcon Healing Current WindWind Wind 0 100% 15 -
44 Heavy Monsoon SkillIcon Heavy Monsoon WindWind Wind 95 90% 20 -




This Nexomon's design was taken directly with color modifications from its predecessor game, Micromon. Nocturna is the name of the Micromon.

Nocgoyle seems to be based on a bat and a gargoyle.

Name Origin[]

Its name may be a combination of nocturnal and gargoyle.
