Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Orphanage East
Orphanage East
Connecting locations
Training Woods East
Orphanage East
Outskirts Bridge West
Orphanage East is part of The Orphanage.

This area is the beginning of the path after starting our adventure with our first Nexomon.


Item Location
Coins Coins ×50 Inside the wooden chest, only accessible from Training Woods East. In the tree stump close to the eastern path.
Green Pear Green Pear Besides the wooden chest, only accessible from Training Woods East.
Nexotrap Nexotrap On the column close to the eastern path.
Healing Stone Healing Stone Close to the northern wall.

Tamer Battles[]

As with wild Nexomon, the level of trainers scales up to adapt to yours. The following trainers' teams might be at a different evolutive stage:

Wild Nexomon[]

Nexomon Type Rarity
Cloddy Cloddy NormalNormal Normal  Uncommon
Stinger Stinger FireFire Fire  Common
Rubby Rubby NormalNormal Normal  Common
Cruff Cruff WaterWater Water  Rare
Singletti Singletti PlantPlant Plant  Uncommon
Dinja Dinja NormalNormal Normal  Ultra Rare