Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki

Overseers in the original Nexomon game are elite Nexomon Trainers who work to enforce the Nexolord's will upon the human populace of the world, reigning over the various towns and cities. Each Overseer tends to focus on training and commanding one of the Nexomon Types, and their skill commands respect and fear from other humans, whether they train Nexomon or not. The Overseers report to the Champions, who in turn report to the Nexolord, although the Nexolord is capable of communicating directly with any and all Overseers via encrypted broadcasts. Overseers have a great deal of latitude in how they manage their vassal community, and not all Overseers are created equal; some are respected and admired by their people, whilst others are loathed, hated, and feared. Overseers represent the first category of "bosses" that the player must defeat as they progress through the storyline and ultimately build their strength towards their final confrontation with the Nexolord.
