Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Palmaya Boardwalk
Palmaya Boardwalk
Connecting locations
Palmaya Beach
Palmaya Boardwalk
Royalle Beach
Palmaya BeachWarp
Palmaya Boardwalk is part of Palmaya Beach.

A large boardwalk spanning between Palmaya Beach and Royalle City. Dubbed "Palmaya Boardwalk" since that's where you enter from.


Item Location
Coins Coins ×200 On some bags near the Fisherman's boat.
Anti Bind Anti Bind On some barrels near the fisherman's boat.
Fishing Rod Fishing Rod Given to you by the fisherman.
Coins Coins ×200 At the left side of the piers in a barrel.
Anti Bind Anti Bind At the left side of the piers on some boxes.
Coins Coins ×200 To the left of the pirate.
Coins Coins ×100 On a bag to the right of the pirate.
Potion Potion On a box near the entrance of the G map.
Golden Nexotrap Golden Nexotrap On a bag of apples close to the tamer at the G map.


Palmaya Boardwalk
Palmaya Entrance Fisherman's Boat The T Path
Palmaya Boardwalk Palmaya Boardwalk2 Palmaya Boardwalk3
Piers Reverse G Royalle Entrance
Palmaya Boardwalk4 Palmaya Boardwalk5 Palmaya Boardwalk6

Wild Nexomon[]

Palmaya Entrance[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Bowish Bowish WaterWater Water Common 32-33
Trampole Trampole WaterWater Water Uncommon 31-34
Jellufo Jellufo ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 31-34
Clunder Clunder ElectricElectric Electric Rare 33-35
Hydrax Hydrax WaterWater Water Mega Rare 31-35
Barver Barver WaterWater Water Special 33-35

Fisherman's Boat[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Bowish Bowish WaterWater Water Common 32-33
Flybuster Flybuster WindWind Wind Common 32-33
Jellufo Jellufo ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 31-34
Ballery Ballery WaterWater Water Rare 31-34
Clunder Clunder ElectricElectric Electric Rare 33-35
Hydrax Hydrax WaterWater Water Mega Rare 31-35
Barver Barver WaterWater Water Special 33-35

The T Path[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Flybuster Flybuster WindWind Wind Common 32-33
Seatail Seatail WaterWater Water Uncommon 32-33
Trampole Trampole WaterWater Water Uncommon 31-34
Seadian Seadian WaterWater Water Rare 31-34
Ballery Ballery WaterWater Water Rare 33-35
Hydrax Hydrax WaterWater Water Mega Rare 31-35
Barver Barver WaterWater Water Special 33-35


Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Flybuster Flybuster WindWind Wind Common 32-33
Bowish Bowish WaterWater Water Common 32-33
Seatail Seatail WaterWater Water Uncommon 31-34
Skoi Skoi WindWind Wind Uncommon 31-34
Seadian Seadian WaterWater Water Rare 33-35
Hydrax Hydrax WaterWater Water Mega Rare 31-35
Barver Barver WaterWater Water Special 33-35

Reverse G[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Turbinha Turbinha WaterWater Water Common 35-36
Eelowatt Eelowatt ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 34-37
Flaringo Flaringo FireFire Fire Uncommon 35-37
Driftle Driftle WaterWater Water Rare 35-38
Hydrax Hydrax WaterWater Water Mega Rare 34-38
Barver Barver WaterWater Water Special 36-38

Royalle Entrance[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Turbinha Turbinha WaterWater Water Common 35-36
Perleo Perleo WaterWater Water Common 34-37
Skoi Skoi WindWind Wind Uncommon 35-37
Gnaligator Gnaligator WaterWater Water Rare 35-38
Hydrax Hydrax WaterWater Water Mega Rare 34-38
Barver Barver WaterWater Water Special 36-38

Tamer Battles[]
