Nexomon Wiki
Palmaya Fishing Hole
Palmaya Fishing Hole
Connecting locations
Palmaya Fishing Hole
Palmaya Beach
Palmaya BeachWarp
Palmaya Fishing Hole is part of Palmaya Beach.

Dubbed "Palmaya Fishing Hole" due to be a rather secretive area where a few fishing tools are scattered about.

Wild Nexomon[]

Top Left-side Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Perleo Perleo WaterWater Water Common 34-35
Kyte Kyte ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 33-36
Mandrove Mandrove PlantPlant Plant Rare 34-36
Driftle Driftle WaterWater Water Rare 34-37
Shrepian Shrepian NormalNormal Normal Mega Rare 33-37
Frilia Frilia PlantPlant Plant Special 35-37

Bottom Left-side Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Perleo Perleo WaterWater Water Common 33-36
Eelowatt Eelowatt ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 34-36
Mandrove Mandrove PlantPlant Plant Rare 34-37
Shrepian Shrepian NormalNormal Normal Mega Rare 33-37
Frilia Frilia PlantPlant Plant Special 35-37

Right-side Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Turbinha Turbinha WaterWater Water Common 34-35
Flaringo Flaringo FireFire Fire Uncommon 33-36
Kyte Kyte ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 34-36
Gnaligator Gnaligator WaterWater Water Rare 34-37
Shrepian Shrepian NormalNormal Normal Mega Rare 33-37
Frilia Frilia PlantPlant Plant Special 35-37

Tamer Battles[]
