Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Database
Trimion #135 ← Trimion Pincertron → #137 Pincertron

Pincer is a MineralMineral Mineral-type Nexomon introduced in Nexomon 1.

It evolves into Pincertron starting at level 27.

Type Effectiveness[]

Effectiveness Type
Tick Resists (Damage x0.5) FireFire Fire ElectricElectric Electric
Cross Weak to (Damage x1.5) WaterWater Water WindWind Wind


Region Maps
Mountain VillageWarp
Mountain Village
Mountain Passage.


Pincer Pincertron
Level 27

Skill List[]

Level Skill Type Power Accuracy STA Cost Effect
1 Hydro Sphere SkillIcon Hydro Sphere WaterWater Water 70 80% 13 -
2 Slash SkillIcon Slash NormalNormal Normal 70 80% 13 -
5 Seismic Move SkillIcon Seismic Move MineralMineral Mineral 75 80% 14 -
8 Petrify SkillIcon Petrify MineralMineral Mineral 0 55% 8 BindBind Bind 
10 Glare SkillIcon Glare NormalNormal Normal 0 40% 5 ParalyzeParalyze Paralyze 
13 Rock Wall SkillIcon Rock Wall MineralMineral Mineral 0 100% 10 -
21 Curl SkillIcon Curl NormalNormal Normal 0 100% 5 -
26 Crushing Boulder SkillIcon Crushing Boulder MineralMineral Mineral 60 80% 13 -
29 Dust Cloud SkillIcon Dust Cloud NormalNormal Normal 0 80% 7 -
37 Stone of Healing SkillIcon Stone of Healing MineralMineral Mineral 0 100% 14 -
42 Energy Blast SkillIcon Energy Blast NormalNormal Normal 80 80% 15 -




This Nexomon's design was taken directly with color modifications from its predecessor game, Micromon. Petra is the name of the Micromon.

Name Origin[]
