Precursor Valley Basecamp
Connecting locations
Precursor Valley Basecamp
This is the Guild basecamp known as the Abyssal Front.
Ultra Potion
Restores 120 HP.
Ultra Ether
Restores 150 stamina.
Ultra Revive
Restores a fainted Nexomon along with 250 HP.
Ultra Elixir
Restores both 140 HP and 140 stamina.
Anti Poison
Cures the "POISONED" status effect on a Nexomon!
Anti Burn
Cures the "BURNING" status effect on a Nexomon!
Anti Freeze
Cures the "FROZEN" status effect on a Nexomon!
Anti Paralyze
Cures the "PARALYZED" status effect on a Nexomon!
Anti Confusion
Cures the "CONFUSED" status effect on a Nexomon!
Anti Sleep
Cures the "ASLEEP" status effect on a Nexomon!
Anti Bind
Cures the "BOUND" status effect on a Nexomon!
A basic tool used to capture wild Nexomon.
Fire Nexotrap
A Nexotrap designed to capture Fire-type Nexomon!
Water Nexotrap
A Nexotrap designed to capture Water-type Nexomon!
Plant Nexotrap
A Nexotrap designed to capture Plant-type Nexomon!
Electric Nexotrap
A Nexotrap designed to capture Electric-type Nexomon!
Ghost Nexotrap
A Nexotrap designed to capture Ghost-type Nexomon!
Wind Nexotrap
A Nexotrap designed to capture Wind-type Nexomon!
Psychic Nexotrap
A Nexotrap designed to capture Psychic-type Nexomon!
Mineral Nexotrap
A Nexotrap designed to capture Mineral-type Nexomon!