Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Precursor Valley Engraved Stones West
Precursor Valley Engraved Stones West
Connecting locations
Precursor Valley Lost Map Piece
Precursor Valley Hot Cave Outside
Precursor Valley Engraved Stones West
Precursor Valley Engraved Stones
Precursor Valley Engraved Stones West is part of Precursor Valley.

This area has some house ruins, including the one belonging to the gatekeeper of Caelesa's Doors.


Item Location
Shard Rock Shard Rock ×8 Scattered around the area.
Growth Berry Growth Berry In a broken pot at the western entrance.
Friendship Berry Friendship Berry On the door of the eastern house ruins.
Max Elixir Max Elixir On the wall of the eastern house ruins.
Coins Coins ×200 In a broken barrel left of the stairs. On the pile of sacks right of the northern entrance.
Ancient Key Ancient Key On the boxes right of the northern entrance.
Apple Apple In the broken pot right of the northern entrance.
Green Pear Green Pear On the house left of the northern entrance.
Max Ether Max Ether On the house left of the northern entrance.

Tamer Battles[]

As with wild Nexomon, the level of trainers scales up to adapt to yours:

Wild Nexomon[]

These can be found in the grass:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Bogarp2 Bogarp (Extinction) WaterWater Water  Ultra Rare
Broshield2 Broshield (Extinction) MineralMineral Mineral  Ultra Rare
Felicient2 Felicient (Extinction) NormalNormal Normal  Ultra Rare
Lycopain2 Lycopain (Extinction) PlantPlant Plant  Ultra Rare
Jeeta2 Jeeta (Extinction) ElectricElectric Electric  Ultra Rare