Precursor Valley Pattern Maze
Connecting locations
Precursor Valley Pattern Maze
This area is a pattern maze with three possible solutions.
There are three different pattern to follow:
Shard Rock ×18
Scattered around the area.
Friendship Berry ×2
On a purple tree in front of path 1. On a medium-sized purple tree in front of path 5.
Growth Berry
Growth Berry ×2
On a gravestone in front of paths 3 and 4. On a purple tree in front of path 11.
Perfect Berry
On a dead tree close to paths 10 and 11.
Wild Nexomon[]
These can be found in the grass:
These can be found if we talk to Eliza to release copies at any moment:
These can be found if we talk to Eliza to release copies after completing the Abyssals DLC:
These can be found after resurrecting them using the CHAOS discs: