Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Precursor Valley Shortcut Guy
Precursor Valley Shortcut Guy
Connecting locations
Precursor Valley Map South
Precursor Valley Lost Map Piece
Precursor Valley Shortcut Guy
Precursor Valley Pattern Maze Camp
Precursor Valley Shortcut Guy is part of Precursor Valley.

This area has a guy that can take us immediately back to the basecamp if we want.


Item Location
Shard Rock Shard Rock ×4 Scattered around the area.
Perfect Berry Perfect Berry On an orange tree next to the left limit of the area
Growth Berry Growth Berry On a yellow tree left of the stairs next of the eastern entrance.

Wild Nexomon[]

These can be found in the grass:

Nexomon Type Rarity
Arctivore2 Arctivore (Extinction) MineralMineral Mineral  Ultra Rare
Ferodile2 Ferodile (Extinction) WaterWater Water  Ultra Rare
Froppe2 Froppe (Extinction) NormalNormal Normal  Ultra Rare
Lycopain2 Lycopain (Extinction) PlantPlant Plant  Ultra Rare
Tephragon2 Tephragon (Extinction) FireFire Fire  Ultra Rare