Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Wiki
Royalle Beach Border
Royalle Beach Border
Connecting locations
Royalle Shores
Royalle Beach Border
Royalle Garden
Royalle CityWarp
Royalle Beach Border is part of Royalle City.

Dubbed "Royalle Beach Border" due to being the border between the beach and inland of Royalle City.

Wild Nexomon[]

Left-side Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Shashock Shashock ElectricElectric Electric Common 35-38
Twillow Twillow WaterWater Water Uncommon 36-38
Jellufo Jellufo ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 37-39
Vozette Vozette WindWind Wind Rare 37-39
Galvaria Galvaria ElectricElectric Electric Mega Rare 38-40
Blizbrow Blizbrow MineralMineral Mineral Special 38-40

Center Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Florantis Florantis PlantPlant Plant Common 36-38
Fowling Fowling WindWind Wind Uncommon 37-39
Vozette Vozette WindWind Wind Rare 37-39
Galvaria Galvaria ElectricElectric Electric Mega Rare 38-40
Blizbrow Blizbrow MineralMineral Mineral Special 38-40

Right-side Bushes[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Tryflap Tryflap PlantPlant Plant Common 35-38
Florantis Florantis PlantPlant Plant Common 36-38
Fowling Fowling WindWind Wind Uncommon 37-39
Gervore Gervore ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 37-39
Shrubbit Shrubbit PlantPlant Plant Rare 37-39
Vozette Vozette WindWind Wind Rare 38-40
Galvaria Galvaria ElectricElectric Electric Mega Rare 38-40
Blizbrow Blizbrow MineralMineral Mineral Special 38-40