Nexomon Wiki
Royalle City Sewers
Royalle City Sewers
Connecting locations
Royalle City Sewers
Royalle City
Royalle CityWarp
Royalle City Sewers is part of Royalle City.

Dubbed "Royalle City Sewers" due to being the sewers of Royalle City.


Item Location
Anti Poison Anti Poison On a barrel on the way towards the second map.
Coins Coins ×100 In the second room on a box.
Nexotrap Nexotrap Inside of a crack on the wall in the third room.
Super Potion Super Potion On a barrel in the fourth room.
Revive Revive On a bunch of tires in the fifth room.
Super Potion Super Potion On a book in the room with equipment.
Elixir Elixir Inside of a barrel in the room with equipment.


Palmaya Boardwalk
Fountain Entrance Room 2 Room 3
Royalle City Sewers Royalle City Sewers2 Royalle City Sewers3
Room 4 Room 5
Royalle City Sewers4 Royalle City Sewers5

Wild Nexomon[]

Fountain Entrance[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Kiklick Kiklick ElectricElectric Electric Common 37-39
Digga Digga MineralMineral Mineral Common 37-39
Venemona Venemona WaterWater Water Uncommon 38-39
Grumug Grumug NormalNormal Normal Uncommon 38-40
Steamous Steamous FireFire Fire Rare 38-40
Scabrillo Scabrillo MineralMineral Mineral Rare 38-40
Vivizard Vivizard PlantPlant Plant Mega Rare 39-41
Tempestra Tempestra WindWind Wind Special 39-41

Room 2[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Gnob Gnob MineralMineral Mineral Common 37-39
Kiklick Kiklick ElectricElectric Electric Common 37-39
Venemona Venemona WaterWater Water Uncommon 38-40
Satray Satray ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 38-40
Steamous Steamous FireFire Fire Rare 39-41
Vivizard Vivizard PlantPlant Plant Mega Rare 39-41
Tempestra Tempestra WindWind Wind Special 39-41

Room 3[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Toxipore Toxipore PlantPlant Plant Common 37-39
Digga Digga MineralMineral Mineral Common 37-40
Satray Satray ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 38-40
Grumug Grumug NormalNormal Normal Uncommon 39-41
Shereef Shereef WaterWater Water Rare 39-41
Vivizard Vivizard PlantPlant Plant Mega Rare 39-41
Tempestra Tempestra WindWind Wind Special 39-41

Room 4[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Digga Digga MineralMineral Mineral Common 37-39
Kiklick Kiklick ElectricElectric Electric Common 37-40
Satray Satray ElectricElectric Electric Uncommon 38-40
Frogue Frogue WaterWater Water Uncommon 39-41
Shereef Shereef WaterWater Water Rare 39-41
Scabrillo Scabrillo MineralMineral Mineral Rare 40-41
Vivizard Vivizard PlantPlant Plant Mega Rare 39-41
Tempestra Tempestra WindWind Wind Special 39-41

Room 5[]

Nexomon Type Rarity Level
Kiklick Kiklick ElectricElectric Electric Common 37-39
Toxipore Toxipore PlantPlant Plant Common 37-40
Frogue Frogue WaterWater Water Uncommon 38-40
Grumug Grumug NormalNormal Normal Uncommon 39-41
Enermine Enermine ElectricElectric Electric Rare 40-41
Vivizard Vivizard PlantPlant Plant Mega Rare 39-41
Tempestra Tempestra WindWind Wind Special 39-41

Tamer Battles[]
