Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon: Extinction Database
Tuskant-menu #037 ← Tuskant Shrombrela → #039 Shrombrela-menu

Shromporo is a Plant based Nexomon that can be found in Nexomon: Extinction. It evolves into Shrombrela via Level 15 and into Shromboff at Level 34.


You might venture through the forest without even noticing this Nexomon. It prefers dark corners in a thick foliage where it can grow and feed.


Region Maps
The OrphanageWarp
The Orphanage
Orphanage South, Training Woods West, Training Woods East, Salem's Labyrinth.
Hidden Village (Extinction)Warp
Hidden Village (Extinction)
Khan Woods Entrance, Khan Woods Entrance West, Khan Woods Tunnel Outside West, Hidden Village Southern Entrance, Hidden Village West, Khan Woods Cave Outside.


Shromporo Shrombrela Shromboff
Level 15
Level 34


Level Skill Type Power Acc STA Speed Crit % Effect
4 Fauna EX SkillIcon Fauna Plant TypePlant Type 60 85% 5 56 10% -
7 Poison Sting EX SkillIcon Poison Sting Plant TypePlant Type 40 75% 5 12 25% Poison (Status)Poison (Status)
12 Green Spirit EX SkillIcon Green Spirit Plant TypePlant Type 0 100% 70 10 0% -
14 Green Flow EX SkillIcon Green Flow Plant TypePlant Type 80 75% 10 52 20% -
18 Sonic Scream EX SkillIcon Sonic Scream Normal TypeNormal Type 85 85% 15 21 15% Sleep (Status)Sleep (Status)
23 Tackle EX SkillIcon Tackle Normal TypeNormal Type 50 90% 15 60 20% -
28 Plasma Cannon EX SkillIcon Plasma Cannon Normal TypeNormal Type 80 75% 10 52 20% -
30 Natural Heal EX SkillIcon Natural Heal Plant TypePlant Type 0 100% 15 65 0% Planted (Status)Planted (Status)
33 Green Sphere EX SkillIcon Green Sphere Plant TypePlant Type 0 100% 15 90 0% -
38 Forest Song EX SkillIcon Forest Song Plant TypePlant Type 0 100% 20 79 0% -
43 Infected Seed EX SkillIcon Infected Seed Plant TypePlant Type 0 70% 10 75 0% -
48 Grasping Root EX SkillIcon Grasping Root Plant TypePlant Type 0 100% 10 60 0% Bind (Status)Bind (Status)
49 Bite EX SkillIcon Bite Normal TypeNormal Type 60 85% 10 51 20% -
53 Vine Whip EX SkillIcon Vine Whip Plant TypePlant Type 95 95% 15 22 5% Bind (Status)Bind (Status)
60 Quick Feet EX SkillIcon Quick Feet Normal TypeNormal Type 0 100% 5 88 10% -
65 Piercing Root EX SkillIcon Piercing Root Plant TypePlant Type 35 85% 5 11 15% Bind (Status)Bind (Status)