Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Database
Emotel #027 ← Emotel Scurrel → #029 Scurrel

Tryflap is a PlantPlant Plant-type Nexomon introduced in Nexomon 1.

It is not known to evolve into or from any other Nexomon.

Type Effectiveness[]

Effectiveness Type
Tick Resists (Damage x0.5) WaterWater Water ElectricElectric Electric
Cross Weak to (Damage x1.5) FireFire Fire WindWind Wind


Region Maps
Khan's JungleWarp
Khan's Jungle
Jungle Totem, Jungle Rivers, Jungle Grove and Flooded Jungle.
Hidden VillageWarp
Hidden Village
The Great Tree of Ventra.
Royalle CityWarp
Royalle City
Royalle Beach Border and Royalle Garden.



Skill List[]

Level Skill Type Power Accuracy STA Cost Effect
1 Bite SkillIcon Bite NormalNormal Normal 35 100% 6 -
4 Thorns SkillIcon Thorns PlantPlant Plant 45 95% 8 -
6 Sleep SkillIcon Sleep NormalNormal Normal 0 40% 5 SleepSleep Sleep 
9 Howling Winds SkillIcon Howling Winds WindWind Wind 45 95% 8 -
10 Intimidate SkillIcon Intimidate NormalNormal Normal 0 55% 8 ParalyzeParalyze Paralyze 
13 Dark Spores SkillIcon Dark Spores PlantPlant Plant 0 80% 7 -
21 Infected Thorn SkillIcon Infected Thorn PlantPlant Plant 50 90% 11 -
23 Binding Roots SkillIcon Binding Roots PlantPlant Plant 50 90% 9 -
31 Curl SkillIcon Curl NormalNormal Normal 0 100% 5 -
37 Thorn Cage SkillIcon Thorn Cage PlantPlant Plant 0 60% 9 BindBind Bind 




Tryflap appears to be a combination of a bug and a real world venus flytrap.

Name Origin[]

"Tryflap" is literally a corruption of "Flytrap".
