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Enermine #164 ← Enermine Leafegg → #166 Leafegg

For information about it in Nexomon: Extinction, see Weavolt (Extinction).

Weavolt is an ElectricElectric Electric-type Nexomon introduced in Nexomon 1.

It evolves from Enermine starting at level 35. It is the final form of Stoaic.

Type Effectiveness[]

Effectiveness Type
Tick Resists (Damage x0.5) WaterWater Water WindWind Wind
Cross Weak to (Damage x1.5) PlantPlant Plant MineralMineral Mineral


Region Maps
Frozen TundraWarp
Frozen Tundra
Frozen Cliffside and Frozen Tundra Lab - Outside.
Nexolord TowerWarp
Nexolord Tower
Nexolord Tower.


Stoaic Enermine Weavolt
Level 17
Level 35

Skill List[]

Level Skill Type Power Accuracy STA Cost Effect
1 Scratch SkillIcon Scratch NormalNormal Normal 30 100% 5 -
2 Thunder SkillIcon Thunder ElectricElectric Electric 40 100% 7 -
6 Intimidate SkillIcon Intimidate NormalNormal Normal 0 55% 8 ParalyzeParalyze Paralyze 
8 Tackle SkillIcon Tackle NormalNormal Normal 40 100% 7 -
12 Electric Torrent SkillIcon Electric Torrent ElectricElectric Electric 60 80% 11 -
13 Static Shock SkillIcon Static Shock ElectricElectric Electric 35 100% 9 ParalyzeParalyze Paralyze 
18 Concussive Blows SkillIcon Concussive Blows NormalNormal Normal 60 80% 11 -
23 Charge Up SkillIcon Charge Up ElectricElectric Electric 0 100% 5 -
29 Arcane Blast SkillIcon Arcane Blast ElectricElectric Electric 55 85% 21 -
36 Energy Flux SkillIcon Energy Flux ElectricElectric Electric 0 100% 5 -
41 Barrier SkillIcon Barrier NormalNormal Normal 0 100% 10 -
48 EMP SkillIcon EMP ElectricElectric Electric 95 90% 20 -




Weavolt seems to be based on a weasel.

Name Origin[]

Its name may be a combination of "weasel" and "volt".
