Nexomon Wiki
Nexomon Database
Cordyant #076 ← Cordyant Thrano → #078 Thrano

Zombyant is a PlantPlant Plant-type Nexomon introduced in Nexomon 1.

It evolves from Cordyant starting at level 32.

Type Effectiveness[]

Effectiveness Type
Tick Resists (Damage x0.5) WaterWater Water ElectricElectric Electric
Cross Weak to (Damage x1.5) FireFire Fire WindWind Wind


Region Maps
Phantom CitadelWarp
Phantom Citadel
Endless Maze.
Hilda's DomainWarp
Hilda's Domain
Hilda's Domain.


Cordyant Zombyant
Level 32

Skill List[]

Level Skill Type Power Accuracy STA Cost Effect
1 Bite SkillIcon Bite NormalNormal Normal 35 100% 6 -
3 Blooming Spores SkillIcon Blooming Spores PlantPlant Plant 40 100% 7 -
5 Binding Roots SkillIcon Binding Roots PlantPlant Plant 50 90% 9 -
8 Leaf Dance SkillIcon Leaf Dance PlantPlant Plant 60 80% 11 -
12 Glare SkillIcon Glare NormalNormal Normal 0 40% 5 ParalyzeParalyze Paralyze 
17 Slash SkillIcon Slash NormalNormal Normal 70 80% 13 -
19 Battle Roar SkillIcon Battle Roar NormalNormal Normal 0 100% 5 -
26 Poisonous Ivy SkillIcon Poisonous Ivy PlantPlant Plant 45 100% 11 PoisonPoison Poison 
31 Lockdown SkillIcon Lockdown NormalNormal Normal 0 80% 6 -
37 Healing Current SkillIcon Healing Current WindWind Wind 0 100% 15 -
41 Infected Thorn SkillIcon Infected Thorn PlantPlant Plant 50 90% 11 -




Zombyant appears to have a white fungus, present on Cordyant, which has moved onto the head of a type of ant.

This concept resembles "Ophiocordyceps unilateralis,"[1] a fungus found in tropical forest systems that infects ants and turns them effectively into "zombies." Zombyant might be in the final stages of this fungal infection.

Name Origin[]

Its name is a combination of "Zombie", "Ophiocordyceps unilateralis" and "ant" but it could also be a corruption of "Symbiont".
